Monday, February 15, 2010

Yamaha Rhino Blueprints Do You Have To Wear A Helmet In California While Operating A Yamaha Rhino?

Do you have to wear a helmet in California while operating a Yamaha Rhino? - yamaha rhino blueprints

You must wear a helmet for any purpose other than protection.
I could not California law requires in particular that, if you think the belt will be enough and the rails, then it's your call.

More information:
Ctpaddler is wrong. ATC has no wheels and bucket seats, in accordance with Article 111 of the California Vehicle Code, subdivision (e) and (f) has Rover handlebars and saddle.
I can not argue with a helmet, a good idea, though.

* / End of line.


ctpaddle... said...

The Rhino is classified as an SUV and you drive on public land, you must wear a helmet. In addition to the law is really a good idea.

jrrysimm... said...

The People's Republic of California, they said must wear a helmet to protect against injury, but it prohibits carrying a firearm to protect themselves from criminals. Go figure.

Deja1713 said...

YES! have your brain in cement would

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